Project Tag: bioart

  • The anti-genealogy of particles

    The anti-genealogy of particles

    ‘Always look for the molecular, or even submolecular, particle with which we are allied. We evolve and die more from our polymorphous and rhizomatic flus than from hereditary diseases, or diseases that have their own line of descent. The rhizome is an anti-genealogy.’ Gilles Deleuze. ‘A Thousand Plateaus.’ I am interested in the trivial yet…

  • The nonlinear patterns of a superorganism

    The nonlinear patterns of a superorganism

    The nonlinear patterns of a superorganism consists of an ant farm built with a gel that is a complete food source for the ants and was developed based on NASA’s studies of how ants can dig in microgravity. The work addresses the entangled paths of the network structure built by the ants as a superorganism…